Township of Upper Pittsgrove

Ag Advisory Committee Meeting
None at this time
Farmland Preservation
Great Progress this Past Year!!!!
Upper Pittsgrove has ow preserved 11,891 acres of farmland - 501 acres more than a year ago. There are currently nine more farms awaiting settlement for another 340 acres.
Farms and their acres to be preserved include: Dickinson (26), Hamilton (38), Kessel (50), Manchester (25), Mercer (35), Spokony (20), Stimpson (54), Valentine (52) and Zeck (40).
Upper Pittsgrove continues to be number one out of 565 municipalities in the State for farmland preservation. And, because of our success, we have lower taxes, less traffic and pollution, and plenty of open space for recreation and a quality of life other towns can only envy.
For any landowners interested in knowing more about farmland preservation or help in submitting an application contact Committeeman Jack Cimprich at 856-287-9111.
Farmland Preservation PIG Application
Ag Advisory Committee.........
The Upper Pittsgrove Township Agriculture Advisory Committee was established to administer the Municipal Planning Incentive Grant (PIG) Program. This is one of several farmland preservation programs available to landowners and is primarily oriented for smaller, in-fill farms. The Committee meets as needed at the Upper Pittsgrove Municipal Building.
For more information about farmland preservation programs click on the following:
State and County Links:
Farmland Preservation Plans:
For more information about the Ag Advisory Committee and/or Farmland Preservation programs in Upper Pittsgrove contact Jack Cimprich at 856-358-2763.

Jack R. Cimprich
John H. Coombs, Jr.
William Gantz
Edward J. Meschi
John Noone