Township of Upper Pittsgrove
Forms & Downloads
The following forms are also available at the Township Municipal Building. If you have any questions
please call the office during business hours (Mon-Thurs, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm).
Construction Permits - contact Pittsgrove Twp. 856-358-2300 ext. 2
Convenience & Recycling Center
Dog License Information
Election Forms
New Jersey Voter Registration - Online -
Farmland Assessment
All forms are on the TAX COLLECTOR/ASSESSOR page
Farmland Preservation Program Maps
Housing - Small Cities Rehabilitation Grant - Currently there are none available
Ordinances - please call if you have any questions about these popularly requested ordinances
Land Development Ordinance (#2006-7; amended 8/9/2011) - available for $50 at the Municipal Office.
Popular Ordinance Sections:
Request for Municipal Records (OPRA - Open Public Records Act)
OPRA Record Request
Tax Assessment Map
Township Newsletter
Vital Records: Marriage License Information; Certified Copy of Birth, Marriage, and Death Records
Zoning Map (color) - available for $1 at the Municipal Building