Township of Upper Pittsgrove
Farmland Assessment Forms 2025
Supplemental FA Gross Sales Form FA-1GS
Due by August 1st, 2024
Tax Appeals
Property owners seeking a reduction in assessment may file an appeal with the Salem County Board of Taxation on or before April 1 of each year.
The Tax Collector is responsible for the billing and collection of real estate taxes, delinquencies, and billing adjustments. Tax bills are mailed in July; payment is due quarterly on August 1, November , February 1, and May 1. Unless you are otherwise notified (see your tax bill or visit the 'latest news' on our home page), payment must reach our office by the 10th of each tax quarter. Payments received
after the 10th will be considered delinquent and subject to interest from the due date of the 1st. Taxes may be paid with cash, personal or certified checks, and money orders.
2024 tax rates:
1. Local Purpose = $0.217
2. School = $1.469
3. County = $1.359
4. County Open Space = $0.025
5. Municipal Open Space = $0.01
Total = $2.981
If you have questions regarding tax rates call the Tax Office during regular business hours or contact the individual taxing authority:
School Tax - Upper Pittsgrove School
County Tax - Salem County Tax Board
If you have questions about your property tax assessment contact the Tax Assessor.
Property Tax Relief Programs: The State of NJ offer the following Property Tax Relief Programs based on current law and subject to
The Property Tax Reimbursement Program (Senior Freeze or the Blue Book): This program reimburses eligible seniors for property tax increases. Deadline to file is October 31, 2024. For more information on this program call our office or visit the above link.
No Action needed if you received “Anchor Benefit Confirmation Letter”
The State will file ANCHOR applications on behalf of most qualified residents who received an ANCHOR benefit last year (for tax year 2020). If you qualify, you may have received an "ANCHOR Benefit Confirmation Letter " notifying you that you meet the requirements. If the information in your confirmation letter remains the same as your prior filing, no action is required on your part. Benefit payments will be issued using the same method and banking information used in your prior filing and contained in your confirmation letter. The letter serves as your confirmation of filing, and we will not send you an additional confirmation number.
If you did not receive an ANCHOR Benefit Confirmation Letter or filing packet. You can still apply for the benefit?
If you did not receive a confirmation letter or filing packet , but meet the qualifications for the benefit based on 2021 residency, income, and age, you may still apply for the program:
Homeowners. Most homeowners may file online or by phone with an identification number (ID) and PIN. However, if you bought your home in 2021, altered your deed, or had certain life changes such as a divorce or death of a spouse, you must file an application by mail.
Renters may file using the online option, and do not need an ID and PIN.
Filing deadline
If you received the ANCHOR Benefit Confirmation Letter notifying you that you qualify and you do nothing else, we will file the application for you and pay the benefit based on information in that letter. However, if you need to change any information, you have until September 12, 2024, to file an application on your own.
All other applicants have until Friday, November 30, 2024, to file applications.
Anchor Hotline: 1-888-238-1233
Anchor Inquiry: 1-877-658-2972
Veterans, Seniors, Disabled Citizens: A property tax deduction or exemption is available to eligible citizens. A $250 deduction is available for income qualified homeowners who are 65 years and older or disabled, and veterans or a surviving spouse of a veteran. Disabled veterans or surviving spouse may be entitled to full exemption from property taxes. Please call or visit during Tax Office business hours for forms, applications, and/or more information.
Links to more information about taxes:​
Salem County: Salem County Tax Board
NJ Association of County Tax Boards
State of New Jersey - Taxation
Upper Pittsgrove Township Tax Office
PO Box 385
Elmer, NJ 08318
856-358-1160 fax
Tax Collector
Susan DeFrancesco
Assistant Tax Collector
Krissy DeFrehn
Office Hours
Wednesday 9:00 am-3:00 pm
Thursday 9:00 am-1:00 pm
The Tax Office may be open
additional days during quarterly tax
due dates; visit the home page for
any changes to the regular office
hours listed above.
Taxes may be dropped off
during regular Municipal Building
hours, but they cannot be
officially received until the
next day the tax office is open.
A drop box is also available on the
side door facing Route 77 that can be
utilized anytime the Municipal
Building is not open.